✉️ Why 0! = 1 (zero factorial is one)?

Scalar Calculator - Why 0! = 1

Recently, I was thinking about various justifications for the definition of 0! (factorial of zero) which is


The assumed value of 1 may seem quite obvious if you consider the recursive formula. However, it did not satisfy me “mathematically”. That’s why I decided to write these few sentences. I will give motivations for the less advanced ones, but there will also be motivations for slightly more insiders.

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✉️ Why negative times a negative is a positive?

Scalar Calculator - Negative times Negative

Surely everyone knows that the result of multiplying two negative numbers is positive. The formula “minus times a minus is a plus” or “negative times a negative is a positive” was put into our heads during the early school years. However, the teachers have forgotten to explain why this is the case, and to pass the motivation of mathematicians who defined the arithmetic of negative numbers.

⭐️ Multiplication as a short notation of repeated addition

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✉️ User functions definition – the unique convenience provided by the Scalar Calculator

Scalar Calculator - User Functions

Functions for mathematics are what elementary particles are for physics. For this reason, the Scalar Calculator and its mathematical engine, provide the syntax for defining user functions, which is as close to natural as possible. Just enter f (x) = x^2 and you are ready to go. Stay tuned to learn a bit more details! 🙂

⭐ Basic user defined functions

The syntax for defining user functions is as follows.

FunctionName(param1 <, param2, …>) = expression

Continue reading “✉️ User functions definition – the unique convenience provided by the Scalar Calculator”

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