✉️ Prime numbers support in Scalar Calculator

Today I will present various types of support for prime numbers that the Scalar calculator provides. There will be some theory, some screenshots, and a few lines of code that you can use directly in your Scalar instances. Stay tuned! 🙂

⭐ Scalar functions and options related to prime numbers

Let’s start with the list of functions and options available in Scalar, which are linked to prime numbers. On the calculator screen, long click on the “example /?” button. As a result you will get the help dialog containing search option. Enter “prime” keyword.

Scalar - Prime related functions and options

Scalar functions list:

  • ispr(n) – prime number test (is number a prime?)
  • Pi(n) – prime-counting function – Pi(x)
  • nfact(x) – prime decomposition – number of distinct prime factors
  • factval(number, factorid) – prime decomposition – factor value at position between 1 … nfact(n) – ascending order by factor value
  • factexp(number, factorid) – prime decomposition – factor exponent / multiplicity at position between 1 … nfact(n) – ascending order by factor value
  • factor expr – prime factorization – calculate expression, return result in the form of prime factors
  • fact expr – the same as factor

⭐ Scalar – Prime test function

Prime test function ispr(n) returns 1 if the number is prime and 0 otherwise. Using sigma summation operator sum(arg, from, to, expr) plus combination with ispr(n) it is very easy to count primes in a given range. Please refer to the below example:

Scalar Calculator - Primes test function

Scalar code result:

scalar > ispr(1)
e15 = 0
scalar > ispr(2)
e16 = 1
scalar > ispr(3)
e17 = 1
scalar > ispr(4)
e18 = 0
scalar > sum(n,1,1000,ispr(n))
e19 = 168
scalar > Pi(1000)
e20 = 168
scalar > Pi(10000000)
e21 = 664579

Scalar script:


Above example shows also the Pi(n) prime-counting function.

⭐ Scalar – Prime-counting function

This time I will show visually the quality of various approximations of Pi(n) prime-counting function:

  • Pi(n) – prime-counting function – definition can be found here,
  • li(n) – logarithmic integral – a special function – please refer to the definition here,
  • n/ln(n) – Gauss-Legendre approximation of Pi(n)

Prime-counting function in the range between 2 and 100

Scalar Calculator - Prime-counting function 1-100

Scalar graph script:

var = n
from = 2
to = 100
exp1 = Pi(n)
exp2 = n/ln(n)
exp3 = li(n)
by = 1
curs = 1

Prime-counting function in the range between 2 and 2000

Scalar Calculator - Prime-counting function 1-2000

Scalar graph script:

var = n
from = 2
to = 2000
exp1 = Pi(n)
exp2 = n/ln(n)
exp3 = li(n)
by = 1
curs = 1

Prime-counting function in the range between 2 and 150000000

Scalar Calculator - Prime-counting function 1-150000000

Scalar graph script:

var = n
from = 2
to = 150e6
exp1 = Pi(n)
exp2 = n/ln(n)
exp3 = li(n)
by = 1e6
curs = 1

⭐ Scalar – Prime factorization

To get prime factors for a given number just use factor or fact Scalar command. Please refer to the below screenshots:

Scalar Calculator - Prime Factorization

Scalar code result:

scalar > fact 324
e8 = 2^2 * 3^4    eps = 0
scalar > nfact(324)
e9 = 2
scalar > factval(324,1)
e10 = 2
scalar > factexp(324,1)
e11 = 2
scalar > factval(324,2)
e12 = 3
scalar > factexp(324,2)
e13 = 4
scalar > e10^e11 * e12^e13
e14 = 324

Scalar script:

fact 324

Scalar code result:

scalar > fact 324
e1 = 2^2 * 3^4    eps = 0
scalar > fact 254*5
e2 = 2^1 * 5^1 * 127^1    eps = 0
scalar > fact 1254685755845
e3 = 5^1 * 250937151169^1    eps = 0
scalar > n=2598
scalar > fact n
e4 = 2^1 * 3^1 * 433^1    eps = 0

Scalar script:

fact 324
fact 254*5
fact 1254685755845
fact n

⭐ Scalar – Primes cache to accelerate the calculations

Counting primes is a time consuming task.

Scalar Calculator - Progress while counting primes - no cache

In order to significantly accelerate the calculation Scalar implements Sieve of Eratosthenes. The only thing you have to do is to go to the settings screen and enter in the “Max num in primes cache” option the range that will be examined. After doing so, Scalar will build the cache that will be saved in memory for further usage.

Scalar Calculator - Primes cache
Scalar Calculator - Primes cache - settings

Say bye bye for prolonging progress bar! 🙂

? Scalar in action

? Scalar Free

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? Scalar Pro

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Best regards! 🙂

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